Gabriel Prado

My Projects

Here's a list of some of my projects on my github. I have more projects, but they are in private repositories as they are either in development or are not ready to be released.
  • grocelist:

    Your online groceries shopping list, to remind you what you should buy next time you go out shopping

  • ignite-todo:

    A simple to-list application built to practice React fundamentals

  • mentalcare-website:

    Website desenvolvido para a atividade avaliativa da matéria Linguagem de Programação Web do curso de Engenharia de Software do Centro Universitário IESB

  • nlw-copa:

    Projeto realizado durante a NLW - Copa, mini-curso gratuito da Rocketseat

  • nlw-pocket:

    NLW Pocket

  • readme-template:

    README template for projects